South Boston’s beloved L Street Tavern, known for its iconic status in the film ‘Good Will Hunting’, is set to undergo a change in ownership in the upcoming month of March. The announcement was made by the tavern on its social media platforms, assuring patrons that the establishment will continue to uphold the neighborhood traditions.
After 27 incredible years, Jack and Susan Woods, the current proprietors of the L Street Tavern, have decided to pass on the torch and sell the bar. Their heartfelt statement expressed gratitude to loyal customers who have played a significant role in shaping the character of the establishment.
Over the course of nearly three decades, patrons have contributed to the creation of lifelong memories and lasting relationships at the L Street Tavern. Countless political events, fundraisers for local charities, and joyful celebrations of sports championships have been enjoyed within these cherished walls. The tavern has also been a venue for various special occasions, including love stories, engagements, and even the birth of the next generation of family members.
The L Street Tavern has been at the center of community activities, hosting events such as the L Street Brownies’ annual plunge into the icy waters of Dorchester Bay on New Year’s Day. The bar has willingly supported the Brownies by selling plunge shirts and donating the proceeds to charity. It has been a gathering place for locals, tourists, and even notable personalities from both near and far.
With the impending change in ownership, the Medico family will take the reins and continue the neighborhood’s beloved traditions. While bidding farewell to the Woods family, the L Street Tavern expressed gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the exceptional experience throughout the years.
As March approaches, South Boston eagerly anticipates the seamless transition and the continuation of the bar’s rich history. The L Street Tavern will remain a beacon of warmth, camaraderie, and good times for all who enter its doors.