Milo Ventimiglia, best known for his heartwarming portrayal of Jack Pearson on the hit series “This Is Us,” is now taking on a completely different role in the action-thriller film “Land of Bad.” In an exclusive interview, Ventimiglia opened up about his captivating character and his joyous married life with his wife, model Jarah Mariano.After getting married last year, Milo Ventimiglia couldn’t be happier. He expressed his gratitude for his soulmate and shared how his life has changed since meeting her. “Things are good. We’ve had relationships that have come and have gone and then you get to a point where you kind of meet your match and meet someone that inspires you in a way different than anybody else. I’m grateful for her and I’m happy to have arrived at this moment, so married life is nice.”In the action-thriller “Land of Bad,” Ventimiglia portrays a character who is a far cry from his beloved Jack Pearson. As an actor, he is thrilled to flex his acting muscles and explore his range. Ventimiglia expressed his love for the constant transformation that comes with being an actor. He explained, “That’s the great thing about being an actor is you get to change, you know. I could be America’s father in one TV show and then I could be a kick-ass war hero in another.”Working alongside Liam and Luke Hemsworth, as well as Academy Award winner Russell Crowe, Ventimiglia couldn’t help but praise their talent. He referred to them as “Australian royalty” and expressed his admiration for their work. Filming in Australia was a delightful experience for Ventimiglia, who went on to share, “A beautiful place to make an action picture.”During his downtime, Milo Ventimiglia indulged in one of Australia’s favorite pastimes – surfing. He recalled an exhilarating surfing session with Luke Hemsworth, unknowingly braving the waters that were known for great white sharks. Ventimiglia admitted, “Luke Hemsworth took me surfing on a three-foot day, which was actually 10 feet. It was a big day at a beach that was notorious for great white sharks. Didn’t know that… he didn’t tell me that. I learned that after the fact.””Land of Bad” is now available for viewers to enjoy, showcasing Ventimiglia’s versatility as an actor. With his stunning performance in the film and his blissful married life, Milo Ventimiglia continues to captivate audiences both on and off the screen. Fans eagerly anticipate his future projects and the growth of his remarkable career.
Milo Ventimiglia Opens Up About His Thrilling New Movie and Blissful Married Life with Jarah Mariano