Dharmendra, the iconic Bollywood actor, is reportedly urging his daughter Esha Deol to reconsider her decision to divorce businessman Bharat Takhtani. After Esha announced her separation from Bharat, a close source claimed that Dharmendra is deeply saddened by the news and wants his daughter to rethink her choice. The source mentioned that Dharmendra understands the pain of seeing his children’s family torn apart and believes that broken families can negatively impact the well-being of the children. He is hopeful that Esha and Bharat can reconcile for the sake of their two daughters, Radhya and Miraya, who share a close bond with their grandparents from both sides. Esha and Bharat released a joint statement regarding their separation, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing their children’s welfare during this difficult time. While reports suggest that Esha’s mother, Hema Malini, has chosen not to interfere in her daughter’s decision, Dharmendra is said to be actively encouraging Esha to give her marriage another chance.
Dharmendra Urges Esha Deol To Reconsider Her Divorce Decision From Bharat Takhtani