Linda Hamilton, known for her iconic role in ‘The Terminator,’ has recently joined the cast of ‘Stranger Things’ for its fifth and final season. In a recent interview, Hamilton revealed that being cast in the show has actually ruined it for her as a fan. Despite always being a huge admirer of the series, she now finds it difficult to watch herself on screen alongside the characters she once admired. Hamilton expressed that it feels like she doesn’t belong in the world of Hawkins, Indiana in the 80s, which has left her experiencing imposter syndrome. While she can’t share details about her mysterious character, she did mention that the creators have kept the storyline a secret even from her to maintain the element of surprise for viewers. Despite the bittersweet experience of being part of the show, Hamilton admitted to having a great time on set during production. With the final season underway, fans can expect to see a new face among their favorite characters, adding an intriguing twist to the beloved series.
Linda Hamilton Opens Up About Joining ‘Stranger Things’ Cast