Superstar Rajinikanth graced the exquisite wedding ceremony of Vijayakumar’s granddaughter, bringing his charisma and warm blessings to the glamorous event held in Chennai. The video of Rajinikanth interacting with the newlyweds has now gone viral on social media, showcasing the deep bond between him and Vijayakumar. Alongside Rajinikanth, other prominent figures like Anitha Vijayakumar and Arun Vijay were also present at the wedding, making it a star-studded affair. Fans were delighted to see Rajinikanth shower his love on the family and share joyous moments with his long-time friends in attendance. The pre-wedding festivities of Diya and Dillan were captured in charming pictures and videos, creating a buzz on social platforms. Prior to the wedding, Vijayakumar and his daughters personally invited Rajinikanth to the event, strengthening their longstanding friendship. On the professional front, Rajinikanth is currently busy filming ‘Vettaiyan’ under director TJ Gnanavel and is set to begin work on ‘Thalaivar 170’ with director Lokesh Kanagaraj after wrapping up his current project.
Rajinikanth Blessed Vijayakumar’s Granddaughter at Lavish Chennai Wedding