During a recent episode of ‘The View,’ co-hosts Sunny Hostin and Joy Behar were caught passing a secret note to each other live on air. The incident left viewers wondering what was in the note that had the hosts giggling. As the conversation steered towards a woman who drove eight hours to attend a coworker’s wedding, Whoopi Goldberg interrupted to call out Hostin and Behar for their covert exchange. Goldberg’s playful teasing prompted a response from Alyssa Farah Griffin, who couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Hostin and Behar hinted that the contents of the note were inappropriate, leading to speculation from the rest of the table. The mystery note was never revealed, leaving fans curious about what the co-hosts were discussing. Despite the interruption, the show continued as normal, with ‘The View’ addressing hot topics and engaging in lively debates. Stay tuned to see if the contents of the note are ever uncovered on a future episode. Don’t miss ‘The View,’ airing weekdays on ABC at 11 a.m. ET for more surprising moments and engaging discussions.
Shocking Revelation on ‘The View’: Co-hosts’ Inappropriate Note Pass Caught on Live TV