Elizabeth Debicki, acclaimed for her portrayal of Princess Diana in The Crown, recently opened up about a surprising favorite role in her career — playing a gold alien queen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Despite donning heavy gold makeup for her character in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and 3, most fans struggle to recognize Debicki outside of her dazzling alien appearance. “I very much enjoyed myself! I enjoy when people think of you in a completely random way. That’s my favorite bit of being an actor,” she revealed in an interview. While she received a nomination for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series at the SAG Awards for her role in The Crown, Debicki confessed she rarely gets recognized for portraying Princess Diana in real life. Her versatility and skill as an actress shine through in her diverse roles, proving her talent beyond any single character. Stay tuned for more exclusive insights from Elizabeth Debicki and her impressive acting journey.