Kaia Gerber took to Instagram to celebrate her mother Cindy Crawford’s 58th birthday with a heartfelt post. The 22-year-old model shared a throwback photo of Crawford blowing out candles on a birthday cake, calling her ‘like fine wine.’ Crawford, a legendary fashion icon, looked chic in a black dress and her signature voluminous hairstyle. The post also included a photo of Crawford as a little girl next to a birthday cake, as well as a current video of her with a purple birthday cake. Crawford’s caption expressed gratitude for another year of life. Celebrity friends like Helena Christensen and Christie Brinkley left sweet birthday messages in the comment section. Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber share two children, including Kaia and son Presley Gerber.
Cindy Crawford’s Daughter Kaia Gerber Celebrates Her Mom’s 58th Birthday