Emraan Hashmi, the heartthrob of Hindi cinema, recently revealed a shocking incident from the early days of his career. In a candid interview, Emraan disclosed how Mahesh Bhatt, the legendary filmmaker, warned him of being thrown out of his debut film ‘Footpath’. This revelation has sent shockwaves through Bollywood, as fans and industry insiders alike are left stunned by this unexpected twist in Emraan’s journey to stardom. Emraan Hashmi, who is known for his bold and unconventional roles, gained fame as the ‘serial kisser’ of Bollywood. However, in the same interview, he confessed that he actually enjoyed the image that came with this title. The actor opened up about how it helped him stand out in the competitive industry and carve a niche for himself. While Emraan Hashmi’s revelations have taken the industry by storm, his fans are eager to learn more about his experiences and the challenges he faced along the way. With his upcoming projects and collaborations with filmmakers like Vikram Bhatt, Emraan continues to keep audiences intrigued and engaged with his versatile performances on the big screen.Stay tuned for more updates on Emraan Hashmi’s journey in Bollywood, as he continues to surprise and delight us with his talent and charisma.
Emraan Hashmi’s Shocking Revelation about Mahesh Bhatt’s Warning