The pre-wedding bash of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant was a sight to behold, with Bollywood’s most glamorous stars in attendance. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone looked like a match made in heaven, with Ranveer sporting an all-white look and Deepika stunning in a black dress. Kiara Advani turned heads in a daring black gown that showed off her impeccable style. Genelia D’Souza also graced the event with her presence, looking effortlessly beautiful in monochrome pictures. But it was Sidharth Malhotra who stole the show, captivating everyone with his charm and dapper look. The evening was filled with glitz, glamour, and the radiant energy of these stars, making it a pre-wedding bash to remember.
Inside Anant Ambani’s Star-Studded Pre-Wedding Bash: Deepika Padukone, Kiara Advani, and Sidharth Malhotra Steal the Show