In a recent appearance on the popular show ‘Har Lamha Purjosh’ on ARY Digital, Nawal Saeed opened up about how people often confuse her with former actor Naimal Khawar. The talented actor shared that fans mistake her for Naimal, even having conversations with her believing she is Hamza Ali Abbasi’s wife. This mix-up usually occurs at airports, adding to the confusion. Despite the similarities, Nawal Saeed is carving her own path in the show business industry with her acclaimed performances. Currently, she is receiving praise for her role in the hit series ‘Jaan-e-Jahan’ on ARY Digital, alongside a stellar cast including Hamza Ali Abbasi, Ayeza Khan, and more. Directed by Qasim Ali Mureed and written by Rida Bilal, ‘Jaan-e-Jahan’ airs every Friday and Saturday in prime time on ARY Digital, captivating viewers with gripping storylines and stellar performances. With her talent and charm, Nawal Saeed continues to shine in the entertainment industry, making a name for herself and winning hearts along the way.
Nawal Saeed’s Confusion with Naimal Khawar Buzz on Social Media