Mel B, also known as ‘Scary Spice,’ recently shared her experience of financial hardship after parting ways with her ex-husband Stephen Belafonte. In an interview with the BBC, the singer revealed that she had to move back in with her mother in England because she had ‘nothing’ in her bank account. Mel B disclosed that she had to use the earnings from the Spice Girls’ 2019 stadium tour to cover legal fees and payments to Belafonte, despite claiming that she was emotionally, physically, and financially abused during their marriage. The former couple’s legal battle reportedly ended with Mel B having to pay $350,000 to Belafonte and $5,000 a month in child support. This candid revelation sheds light on the challenges faced by Mel B after leaving her abusive marriage.
Mel B Reveals Struggles After Stephen Belafonte Split: Living ‘Frugally’ and Moving Back with Mom