Get ready for an action-packed adventure with Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, the highly anticipated new installment in the beloved franchise. Paul Rudd, Finn Wolfhard, Mckenna Grace, and Carrie Coon come together to protect New York City from a second Ice Age, joining forces with the original ghost-catching team. With the iconic Ecto-1 back in action, the stakes are higher than ever.
Paul Rudd, known for his role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, takes on the challenge of handling the legendary Ecto-1 in this thrilling film. Finn Wolfhard and Ernie Hudson also return, bringing their unique talents to the mix. With high-speed chases and intense ghost-catching sequences, Frozen Empire promises to be a wild ride for fans of the franchise.
Don’t miss out on the excitement as Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire hits the big screen, delivering a nostalgic yet thrilling experience for both new and longtime fans. Get ready to strap in, grab your proton pack, and join the team as they battle the supernatural forces threatening to plunge the world into icy chaos.