Britney Spears is reportedly feeling extremely jealous of her former pal Lindsay Lohan’s recent resurgence in Hollywood. Despite not having anything against Lindsay, Britney is struggling to come to terms with the fact that while Lindsay is receiving positive attention and appreciation from everyone in the industry, Britney is still fighting to earn respect and acknowledgment. Bitterness creeps in as Lindsay, happily married and with a new baby, seems to have it all together while Britney continues to face setbacks in her personal life. The comparison is hard for Britney to digest, making her cry over the perceived unfairness of her own situation. Envy seethes within her as she grapples with the belief that her life has stagnated, and happiness continues to elude her. The battle of resurgence between Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan reveals the harsh reality of jealousy in the world of glitz and glamour.
Britney Spears vs. Lindsay Lohan: The Battle of Resurgence