In a surprising revelation, Ricky Martin shared the story of how Channing Tatum got his start in the entertainment industry with a cameo in the iconic ‘She Bangs’ music video. The Latin pop star reflected on the experience during an interview, recalling how Tatum expressed his gratitude for the opportunity. Released in 2000, the music video featured Tatum as a bartender serving partygoers in the Bahamas, including Martin. The collaboration marked Tatum’s first job ever, and he later fondly remembered the experience in a video with Sandra Bullock. ‘She Bangs’ went on to peak at No. 12 on the Billboard Hot 100, solidifying Martin’s status as a chart-topping superstar. Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes stories from the world of music and entertainment.
Ricky Martin Reveals How Channing Tatum Got His Start in ‘She Bangs’ Music Video