Weekly Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse Shakes up Relationships for Aries and Pisces

Are you ready for a week full of celestial surprises? Aries and Pisces, brace yourselves as the Lunar Eclipse shakes up your relationships and brings transformative events into your life. The Full Moon is here to bring insights and valuable lessons to the forefront. It’s time to set boundaries and indulge in self-care. With Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, expect unexpected twists and turns in your path to success. Embrace the changes and remember that you’re more than capable of handling whatever comes your way. Geminis, get ready to tap into your instincts and intuition this week with the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in your sector of relationships with children. Cancers, it’s time to find balance in your home life as the Lunar Eclipse sweeps through your sector of life at home. Remember to trust your intuition over logic when navigating through transformative events. Stay strong and keep your emotions in check as the planets align opposite your sign, indicating a focus on relationships with others.


