Bhakti Rathod, a versatile actor, is showcasing her dedication and versatility by juggling two demanding shows simultaneously. With roles in Aankh Micholi on Star Plus and Pushpa: Impossible on Sony SAB, Bhakti’s determination remains unwavering amid challenging schedules and pressure. She finds peace and purpose in every role she plays, making her work a sanctuary amidst the chaos of shooting schedules. Despite back-to-back shoots and grueling schedules, Bhakti manages her time efficiently and gives her best to both projects. Her professionalism, commitment, and ability to effortlessly slip into diverse roles make her a standout in the industry. Bhakti Rathod’s dedication and passion for acting shine through, setting a high standard for her peers.
Bhakti Rathod: A Versatile Actor with Unwavering Dedication and Professionalism