Hollywood heartthrob Bradley Cooper and supermodel Gigi Hadid were recently spotted having a romantic night out in New York City. The two were seen leaving a Broadway show hand-in-hand and looked absolutely chic and content. Cooper, known for his roles in popular films like A Star Is Born, rocked a cool leather jacket and beanie, while Hadid exuded elegance in checkered trousers and a leather jacket. The couple has been turning heads with their stylish outings, including attending group dinners and taking leisurely walks around London. Fans were thrilled to see the pair cozying up after the Golden Globes, where they shared a meal at a trendy Los Angeles restaurant. Sources have confirmed that Cooper and Hadid are indeed dating, as they continue to enjoy each other’s company and share loving glances. Keep an eye out for more sightings of this fashionable and adorable couple as they take on the town in style.
Bradley Cooper and Gigi Hadid’s Romantic Broadway Date Night in N.Y.C