Lana Del Rey took to Instagram to express her admiration for Camila Cabello’s upcoming single, creating a stir among fans. The ‘Summertime Sadness’ singer shared two black-and-white photos of Cabello with a caption that read ‘i luv it,’ accompanied by a series of crown emojis. In response, Cabello shared the post in her Instagram Story, showing her appreciation for Del Rey’s support. This interaction between the two talented artists has left fans eager for the release of Cabello’s new music. The upcoming single, teased by Cabello in early March, promises an exuberant and summery pop sound that has already captured the attention of music lovers. With a sample of Gucci Mane’s ‘Lemonade’ featured in the song, anticipation for the release continues to grow. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting collaboration between Lana Del Rey and Camila Cabello.
Lana Del Rey praises Camila Cabello’s upcoming single with exuberant Instagram post