In a recent episode of Saturday Night Live, Ramy Youssef delivered a side-splitting parody advertisement titled ‘Ozempic for Ramadan.’ The sketch humorously addresses the challenges of fasting during the holy month, offering a hilarious solution to the difficulties faced by many practicing Muslims. Youssef cleverly showcases how the fictional product allows individuals to maintain their fast while participating in their daily routines. The commercial features various scenarios, from an office worker managing tasks without food restrictions to a halal cart owner resisting the temptation of his own cooking. With witty one-liners and exaggerated side effects, the sketch provides a comical take on a serious topic. Don’t miss out on this uproarious sketch from Ramy Youssef on Saturday Night Live!
Ramy Youssef’s Hilarious ‘Ozempic for Ramadan’ Parody Ad on SNL