Director SS Rajamouli and his wife Rama Rajamouli recently surprised everyone with their incredible dance performance at a sangeet ceremony. The viral video captured the couple grooving to the beats of an AR Rahman song, leaving fans in awe of their chemistry and talents. The duo danced to the iconic track Andamaina Premarani, showcasing their impeccable coordination and energy on stage. The video quickly spread like wildfire on social media, with many fans praising the couple for their ‘pure goals’ dance routine. This unforgettable moment took place at Mythri Movie Makers CEO Cherry’s daughter’s sangeet ceremony, where Rajamouli and Rama stole the show with their mesmerizing performance. The director’s recent trip to Japan for the screening of RRR and the announcement of his upcoming film with Telugu actor Mahesh Babu have also kept fans on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating his next cinematic masterpiece.
SS Rajamouli and Rama Rajamouli’s Stunning Dance at Sangeet Ceremony Goes Viral