Jared Leto made a bold fashion statement at the 2024 iHeartRadio Music Awards, turning heads with his sophisticated all-black look. The multitalented 52-year-old singer and actor graced the red carpet solo at the event, held at the prestigious Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Leto, set to present at the ceremony, showcased his unique style by pairing a lacy black sequined shirt with a black suit coat and a striking silver brooch. The dapper star completed his outfit with matching black pants and shoes, exuding confidence and charm. This appearance comes on the heels of his recent shirtless video from Argentina, where he delighted fans with a performance in the South American country. Leto’s rock group, Thirty Seconds to Mars, has been captivating audiences on their Seasons Tour, marking their return to the road after a five-year hiatus. With an impressive lineup of upcoming European tour dates, Leto continues to showcase his musical talents and fashion-forward sensibilities at high-profile events like the iHeartRadio Music Awards.
Jared Leto Stuns in All-Black Look at 2024 iHeartRadio Music Awards