Sofia Richie Grainge, 25, is about to embark on her journey as a girl mom with husband Elliot Grainge, 30, as they eagerly await the arrival of their baby girl expected at the end of May or early June. Despite jokes about being over the last few months of her pregnancy, Sofia Richie has found unwavering support in Elliot, who has been with her every step of the way, attending appointments and ensuring she has everything she needs. The couple recently enjoyed a babymoon trip to celebrate the upcoming arrival of their little one. In preparation for their daughter’s arrival, they have set up a cozy nursery in their new home, decorated in pastel pinks and neutrals. Excitement radiates through the couple as they eagerly await the new addition to their family, with their extended family equally as thrilled for them.
Sofia Richie’s Pregnancy Journey: From Babymoon Trips to Cozy Nurseries