Abhay Deol recently opened up about the doubts and success surrounding ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’ in an interview. The film faced skepticism from many within the Bollywood industry due to its lack of a traditional villain. Instead, focusing on internal conflicts of its characters. This unique approach proved to be a refreshing change and ultimately led to the movie becoming one of the biggest hits in Deol’s career. Despite doubts from the industry, the film directed by Zoya Akhtar resonated with audiences and garnered critical acclaim. Abhay Deol also discussed the challenges faced by his film ‘Manorama Six Feet Under’, which struggled due to limited release and marketing budget. He stressed the importance of effective promotion to ensure that different types of cinema reach the audience. Abhay Deol’s most recent project, the Netflix series ‘Trial By Fire’, showcased his versatility as an actor alongside Rajshri Deshpande. Dive into the world of Hindi cinema and explore the journey of ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’ through Abhay Deol’s perspective.
Abhay Deol Reveals Industry Doubts and Success of ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’