In an unexpected turn of events, Cody Rhodes managed to overcome the odds and secure a stunning win against Roman Reigns in a fierce Bloodline rules match for the WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania 40. Despite the champion’s dominance and aggressive tactics, Rhodes showed incredible resilience and determination throughout the match, delivering spectacular moves and surprising maneuvers to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. With the help of his former Damage CTRL friends, Rhodes managed to outsmart Reigns and claim the coveted title, marking a historic moment in WWE history. The night also featured thrilling matches between top contenders like Iyo Sky and Bayley for the WWE Women’s Championship, adding more excitement to the already intense event. Stay tuned for more updates and exclusive backstage insights from WrestleMania 40!
WWE WrestleMania 40 Recap: Cody Rhodes Pulls Off Shocking Victory in Bloodline Showdown