The White House was abuzz with excitement as Lauren Sánchez made a bold statement at the state dinner alongside her fiancé Jeff Bezos. The 54-year-old journalist and philanthropist turned heads in a revealing crimson corset dress, showcasing intricate lace detail and a floor-length skirt. The black-tie event, hosted by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, honored Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and his wife, Yuko. The couple was in esteemed company, with guests including celebrities like Robert De Niro and his girlfriend Tiffany Chen, as well as Apple CEO Tim Cook and VP Lisa Jackson. The theme of the evening was ‘a celebration of spring,’ featuring a lavish East-West menu and decadent desserts. Sánchez and Bezos recently returned from a trip to Japan, where they explored the sights and immersed themselves in the beauty of the country. With all eyes on her at the White House gala, Sánchez proved once again that she knows how to make a statement.
Lauren Sánchez Turns Heads in Bold Dress with Jeff Bezos at White House Gala