Bethenny Frankel, a familiar face from The Real Housewives of New York City, took to Instagram to share the tragic news of her mother’s passing at the age of 73. Bernadette Birk lost her battle with lung cancer, leaving Frankel heartbroken. Despite their tumultuous past, Frankel expressed love and admiration for her mother, describing her as brilliant, funny, cultured, and wise. She revealed that her mother’s final moments were spent dancing to the song I’m Alive, wearing her favorite dress. The bond between mother and daughter may have been complicated, but Frankel shared that they found peace in the end. Frankel also disclosed that her mother’s last wish was for her granddaughter Bryn to inherit her worldly possessions, highlighting the special relationship they shared. The loss of Bernadette Birk has left a void in Frankel’s life, but she cherishes the memories of a woman who played a significant role in her journey.
Bethenny Frankel Mourns the Loss of Mother Bernadette Birk to Lung Cancer at 73