Actress Charu Asopa recently made headlines with her decision to quit the popular soap opera Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. In an exclusive interview, she opened up about the reason behind her sudden exit from the show. According to Asopa, she felt the need to take a break from daily soaps in order to prioritize her daughter Ziana’s well-being. The actress shared that being a mother comes first for her, and she wants to spend more time with her daughter during this crucial phase of her life. Fans were shocked to hear about Asopa’s departure from the show, but they have shown unwavering support for her decision to put her family first. Asopa’s dedication to her daughter is truly admirable, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of balancing work and family life in the entertainment industry.
Charu Asopa opens up about leaving popular soap opera for her daughter Ziana