The Economic Impact of The Green Planet in Bristol

The Green Planet, a documentary series produced by the BBC Studios Natural History Unit, has had a significant impact on the economy of Bristol, United Kingdom. The show, which aired on BBC One, showcased the stunning natural beauty of our planet and attracted a large audience worldwide. As a result, Bristol saw a boost of £7.4 million in its economy. This was mainly due to increased tourism, as viewers were inspired to visit the locations featured in the series. Local businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and tour operators, experienced a surge in revenue thanks to the popularity of The Green Planet. The city’s economy flourished as a direct result of this successful television production. The BBC Studios Natural History Unit, based in Bristol, did not just create a visually stunning and informative show, but also contributed significantly to the economic development of the city. The impact of The Green Planet will be felt for years to come, as it continues to attract visitors and support local businesses.


