In a thrilling competition filled with captivating poetry performances, Adrian Perez-Roman, also known as Apito, emerged victorious as the 10th Poet Laureate of Berks County. The event, held at Reading City Council Chambers, drew over 100 poetry enthusiasts who witnessed Perez-Roman make history as the first Puerto Rican to hold this prestigious title. Apito took home not only the title but also a $1,000 cash prize after competing against finalists Aries Franklin Ortiz, John Zabala, and Madelyne Snader. Selected from a pool of more than 20 poets from all over Berks, the competition was organized by community engagement nonprofit Barrio Alegria. Perez-Roman, 31, expressed his surprise and gratitude for the honor, emphasizing the importance of self-belief and acceptance. The panel of judges, consisting of published author David Nazario, arts activist Arleny Pimentel, and poet Noah Ayala, were impressed by Perez-Roman’s work and passion for poetry. As the newly crowned Poet Laureate, Perez-Roman will dedicate the next two years to promoting and advancing the art of poetry in Berks County, collaborating with fellow finalists and outgoing laureate Anthony Orozco to shape the future of poetry in the region.
Adrian Perez-Roman Named Poet Laureate of Berks County – BCTV