Three decades after starring in the beloved family comedy Mrs. Doubtfire alongside Robin Williams, Lisa Jakub, Matthew Lawrence, and Mara Wilson recently came together for a heartwarming reunion. The trio, who portrayed the Hillard siblings in the film, shared a photo on social media capturing their joyous moment. Lisa Jakub, who played the role of the eldest child Lydia Hillard, expressed her fondness for her ‘siblings’ Matthew Lawrence and Mara Wilson, stating that the bond still feels like family after all these years. Wilson also shared her excitement about reuniting with her ‘Doubtfire siblings’ in San Francisco, mentioning the fun they had together on a podcast hosted by the Lawrence brothers. The iconic film, which also starred Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan, and Harvey Fierstein, tells the story of a devoted father of three who takes on the persona of Mrs. Doubtfire to spend time with his children. The reunion of the Mrs. Doubtfire kids serves as a heartwarming reminder of the lasting connections formed on set and the enduring impact of the beloved film.
Mrs. Doubtfire Kids Reunion: Siblings Reflect on 30 Years Together