Bradley Cooper made heads turn with his latest fashion choice in New York City. The 49-year-old actor sported a bright yellow bomber jacket featuring the name of boxing legend Muhammad Ali on the front along with ‘1974’ and ‘People’s Champ’ on the back. Paired with faded jeans, tan Air Jordans, a camouflage trucker hat, and Persol shades, Cooper certainly stood out on the streets of the Big Apple.
But fashion statements aside, Cooper has been making headlines for his romantic escapades as well. His girlfriend, supermodel Gigi Hadid, recently confirmed their relationship with a series of Instagram posts from their joint trips to Las Vegas and Carmel, California. The couple, accompanied by Hadid’s close friend Taylor Swift and her boyfriend Travis Kelce, enjoyed quality time together in both locations.
The pair, first linked romantically in October, seems to be going strong, with sources even suggesting that they are ‘in love’ and share a deep connection. Cooper and Hadid have been spotted displaying public affection, further fueling rumors about the seriousness of their relationship.
While Cooper’s personal life continues to make waves, his bold fashion choices are also catching the attention of fans and fashion critics alike. Stay tuned for more updates on Bradley Cooper, Muhammad Ali-inspired jackets, and the latest celebrity news from the streets of New York City.