After her recent victory at the British Academy Television Awards, Jasmine Jobson, known for her role as Jaq Lawrence in Top Boy, revealed her eagerness to explore the character further in a spin-off series. Despite not receiving any official offers from Netflix yet, Jobson expressed her willingness to reprise the role if the opportunity arises. The BAFTA-winning actress shared her emotional moment backstage after receiving the award, emphasizing her attachment to the character. Top Boy creator Ronan Bennett hinted at potential discussions with Netflix for a new show centered around Jaq, although the production remains uncertain and in the early stages of development. While considering other options like a prequel, Top Boy movie, or stage musical, Bennett highlighted the resilience and depth of the Top Boy universe, suggesting that there is still more to explore. With a passionate fan base, the possibilities for extending the Top Boy story are endless. Stay tuned for more updates on the future of Top Boy and the potential spin-off featuring Jasmine Jobson.