Ali Fazal recently shared a heartfelt Instagram post where he congratulated his wife, Richa Chadha, on her success in the popular series Heeramandi. He praised Richa for her stellar performance as Lajwanti (Lajjo) in the show and expressed how lucky he feels to share his life with her. The post featured a reel of pictures and videos showcasing their happy moments from film events, vacations, and wedding photoshoots. Richa responded to the post with gratitude, calling herself the luckiest girl alive. Other celebrities like Saba Pataudi and Sutapa Sikdar also showered the couple with praise for their glow and performance. The sweet exchange between Ali and Richa on social media melted the hearts of their fans, who eagerly await more projects from the talented duo.
Ali Fazal Shows Love for Richa Chadha in Sweet Instagram Post!