Gavin Rossdale and his look-alike girlfriend Xhoana X were spotted packing on the PDA during their recent vacation in Mexico. The couple was seen getting cozy in Cabo San Lucas, with Xhoana X wrapping her arms around Rossdale and planting a kiss on his cheek. The Albanian singer sported a black bikini and jean shorts, while Rossdale opted for a black tank top and army fatigue swim shorts. The two lovebirds were also seen lounging on the beach and having a blast in the sand. Rossdale and Xhoana X confirmed their relationship in early 2023 and made it Instagram-official a year later. The couple has been spotted together at various events, including the iHeartRadio Music Awards. Rossdale was previously married to Gwen Stefani, with whom he shares three sons. Despite their split, Rossdale seems to have found love again with Xhoana X, who bears a striking resemblance to his famous ex.
Gavin Rossdale’s PDA-filled Mexico Vacation with Gwen Stefani Look-Alike Girlfriend Xhoana X