Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have shown appreciation to the media for respecting their children’s privacy by sending a thoughtful gift. The couple recently sent gift hampers to the paparazzi, along with a special note expressing their gratitude. The paparazzo, Viral Bhayani, shared a video on Instagram showing the gifts he received from the actor and cricketer. The gift hamper included a pouch, a smartwatch, and other gadgets. The couple’s note said, ‘Thank you for respecting the privacy of our kids and for always being cooperative! Love, Anushka and Virat.’ The gesture was well-received by fans and followers, who commented on the video expressing their appreciation. Anushka and Virat welcomed their daughter Vamika in January 2021 and have kept her, as well as their newborn son Akaay, away from the public eye. The couple announced the birth of their son with a heartfelt message on social media in February.
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli Thank Media with Thoughtful Gift for Respecting Privacy of Their Kids