Get ready for a thrilling new series as Nicolas Cage steps into the role of Spider-Man Noir in the upcoming live-action show titled “Noir.” This exciting project, set to air on MGM+ and Amazon Prime Video, will bring the beloved character to life in a whole new way. Following his acclaimed performance in ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,’ Cage is ready to take on the iconic role in a live-action setting. Join him as he portrays an aging private investigator in 1930s New York, forced to confront his past as the city’s former superhero. With an all-star producing team including Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, and Amy Pascal, ‘Noir’ promises to expand the Marvel universe in an authentic and compelling manner. Don’t miss the thrilling adventures of Spider-Man Noir coming soon to your screens!
Nicolas Cage Takes on Spider-Man Noir in New Live-Action Series for Amazon Prime Video