Famous actress Angie Harmon is taking Instacart and a delivery driver to court following a devastating incident that led to the death of her beloved dog. Harmon claims that the delivery driver, Christopher Anthoney Reid, shot her dog Oliver at her North Carolina home. The actress is seeking over $25,000 in damages for trespassing, negligence, invasion of privacy, and more. According to the lawsuit, Harmon believed she was interacting with a different delivery driver named ‘Merle,’ only to discover that Reid had impersonated ‘Merle’ on the Instacart app. Shockingly, Harmon heard a gunshot while her children were in the backyard, prompting her to rush outside and find Reid with a gun and her dog shot. The tragic event has left Harmon in distress, leading to legal action against Instacart and the delivery driver.
Angie Harmon’s Dog Tragedy: Sues Instacart and Delivery Driver After Horrific Incident