Is Keerthy Suresh the next M. S. Subbulakshmi of Indian cinema? After her acclaimed performance in the biopic Mahanati as Savitri, rumors suggest that she may be taking on the role of the legendary singer in an upcoming biographical film. The life story of Subbulakshmi, with all its ups and downs, is set to be portrayed on the big screen with Keerthy Suresh leading the cast. While details about the production and director remain under wraps, fans can’t help but speculate about the potential of this project. If Keerthy Suresh declines the role, other top actresses like Nayanthara and Trisha may also be considered for the part. In the meantime, Keerthy Suresh continues to make waves in the industry, lending her voice to the character Bujji in the film Kalki 2898 AD alongside Prabhas.
Keerthy Suresh: The Next M. S. Subbulakshmi of Indian Cinema?