Tim Blake Nelson, the renowned character actor known for his roles in films like Lincoln and The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, recently revealed that he was cut from Dune: Part Two. Despite this setback, Nelson remains optimistic and even shared a humorous Stanley Kubrick story to lighten the mood. During an interview on the Inside of You podcast, he discussed the ups and downs of his career, recounting experiences with legendary directors like Steven Spielberg and The Coen Brothers. While being removed from Dune 2 was disappointing, Nelson acknowledged that the decision was likely due to the film’s lengthy runtime rather than his performance. Director Denis Villeneuve himself had to make tough editing choices, cutting out scenes he loved, including one with Josh Brolin. Nelson’s exclusion from the sequel is not uncommon, as other actors, such as Stephen McKinley Henderson, also had their scenes removed. Despite this setback, Nelson continues to approach his craft with dedication and humor, making him a beloved figure in Hollywood.
Tim Blake Nelson Opens Up About Being Cut From Dune 2 and Shares Anecdotes from His Career