In the upcoming episodes of Hollyoaks, Leela and Joel will be faced with the heartbreaking reality of losing their unborn baby. Meanwhile, Cleo finds herself in a dangerous situation with Abe, and Freddie uncovers a shocking revelation about his daughter’s custody.
Leela becomes concerned when she realizes her baby hasn’t moved for hours and rushes to the hospital for advice. Joel, unaware of the severity of the situation, falls asleep, leaving Leela to face the devastating news alone.
Cleo’s struggles with Abe take a dangerous turn as she confronts him about his abusive behavior. Despite Abe’s attempts to manipulate the situation, Cleo stands her ground and fights back. However, their confrontation is interrupted by Leela’s distressing call from the hospital.
As Leela and Joel try to cope with their loss, Marie, Peri, Daniel, and Ste remain unaware of the tragedy. But as they start reaching out for support, a web of secrets and lies begins to unravel.
Freddie, torn apart from his daughter Lexi, faces a heartbreaking reality when he learns about Vicky’s reunion with her father. In a desperate attempt to seek solace, Freddie turns to Grace, revealing the inner turmoil he’s been battling.
Don’t miss the upcoming episodes of Hollyoaks filled with shocking twists and heartbreaking revelations that will leave fans on the edge of their seats.
Shocking Hollyoaks Spoilers: Tragic News for Leela and Joel