Caroline Stanbury, known for being open with her fans, recently shared her experience of undergoing a rhytidectomy procedure. The Real Housewives of Dubai star didn’t hold back when it came to showing the reality of the surgery and recovery process. From sharing video updates to close-up photos of her healing scars, Caroline wanted her followers to see the raw and unfiltered journey. She explained that it was important for her to show the true aftermath of the surgery, as it wasn’t an easy process. Despite looking like she had been in a car crash initially, Caroline emphasized how quickly she was able to recover and feel presentable again. With her husband Sergio by her side, Caroline felt supported through the emotional rollercoaster of undergoing such a transformative procedure. While some may have been skeptical about her decision, Caroline is thrilled with the results and feels rejuvenated six months post-surgery. Her openness about the experience has sparked conversations about plastic surgery and self-care, inspiring others to consider their own journeys towards feeling confident and refreshed.
Caroline Stanbury, 48, Shares Her Personal Journey of Undergoing a Rhytidectomy Procedure