Josh Brolin, the acclaimed actor known for his performances in ‘Milk’ and ‘No Country For Old Men,’ recently made his directorial debut on the set of ‘Outer Range.’ In a recent interview, Brolin shared how this new experience has shifted his perspective on working with actors in the industry. Despite a previous comment about not loving actors, he took his directing gig seriously with over-preparation and a ‘get it done’ philosophy. Brolin discussed the challenges of working with certain types of actors and emphasized the importance of dedication to the craft. Throughout his lengthy career in Hollywood, Brolin has accumulated a wealth of experience that has shaped his approach to filmmaking. Despite the challenges, the actor turned director expressed his love for the process and the creative freedom that comes with directing. This new chapter in Josh Brolin’s career promises a fresh perspective on storytelling and collaboration in the entertainment industry.
Josh Brolin’s Directorial Debut: A New Perspective on Working with Actors