Step into the world of Parthenope, where beauty reigns supreme and self-indulgence knows no bounds. Directed by Paolo Sorrentino, this film follows the life of a young woman named Parthenope, played by Celeste Dalla Porta, who is haunted by a tragic incident from her past. The film is filled with stunning visuals and languorous scenes that may leave the viewer feeling disconnected from the characters. Parthenope’s journey takes her from a potential academic career to the world of acting, where she encounters eccentric characters like Flora Malva, played by Isabella Ferrari, and the arrogant Greta Cool, played by Luisa Ranieri. Will Parthenope find her place in the world of entertainment, or will she be forever trapped by her past? Find out in this visually captivating but emotionally distant film.
Parthenope Movie Review: A Tale of Excessive Beauty and Self-Indulgence