Amber Portwood, known for her role on the popular MTV show Teen Mom, is facing financial troubles after being hit with a tax lien of $59,000 in California. The reality star has been in the spotlight for years, but now it seems her finances are causing her some stress. This news comes after reports of Amber settling back into her Indiana home, which had been renovated to the tune of $315,000. However, it appears that her financial issues extend beyond state lines. The tax lien, filed by the Los Angeles County Court, was issued solely in Amber’s name, according to court records viewed by In Touch. The Teen Mom star’s financial woes have been a topic of conversation among fans and followers, with many wondering how she will resolve this latest situation. Amber’s journey in the public eye began with her appearance on 16 & Pregnant in 2009, and she has since become a fixture on both Teen Mom and Teen Mom OG. Throughout her time on the show, Amber has faced her fair share of personal and legal challenges, but this latest tax lien adds a new layer of complexity to her story. Stay tuned for more updates on Amber Portwood’s financial situation as the story unfolds.
Amber Portwood’s Tax Troubles: The Teen Mom Star Owes $59k in California