Unagi, the newly launched animation studio in Montreal, is set to revolutionize the industry with its unique blend of Japanese animation excellence and Montreal’s rich cultural creativity. Founded by animation industry veteran Guillaume Dubois, with the support of Ankama CEO Anthony Roux, the studio aims to offer a competitive presence in North America. With a strong emphasis on combining technical and artistic excellence, Studio Unagi is already working on its first two commissions for Ankama productions. Bestiale, a new show for Animation Digital Network, and Sacré-coeur, a 26-part series for France Télévision are just the beginning for this innovative studio. With plans to diversify its activities and explore new segments like YouTube and video games, Studio Unagi is poised to become a powerhouse in the world of anime-inspired storytelling. Subscribe to Deadline Breaki for all the latest updates on Studio Unagi and the future of animation.
Unagi Launches Anime-Inspired Studio in Montreal: A New Chapter in Animation Industry