The glamorous duo Rose Byrne and Bobby Cannavale stole the spotlight as they graced the red carpet at the premiere of their new film ‘Ezra’ in New York City. Rose mesmerized in a stunning black lace dress, while Bobby looked dashing in a fitted tan suit. The couple, who have been together for over a decade, radiated love and happiness as they posed for pictures and shared sweet moments together. Directed by Tony Goldwyn, ‘Ezra’ tells the story of a divorced comedian embarking on a life-changing road trip with his autistic son. With a star-studded cast including Robert De Niro and Whoopi Goldberg, the film promises to be a must-see. Catch ‘Ezra’ in theaters starting May 31st.
Rose Byrne and Bobby Cannavale shine at NYC premiere of new film ‘Ezra’