In a prestigious ceremony held in Windsor Castle, Prince William bestowed upon Bob Iger, the CEO of The Walt Disney Company, the honorary title of Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. This honor, presented by the Prince of Wales, marks a significant moment in Iger’s career and life. Among the other honorees was the renowned film composer John Williams. Bob Iger expressed his gratitude for the title, describing it as ‘one of the great honors of my life.’ His wife, Willow Bay, shared their proud family moment on Instagram, capturing the ceremony and Iger’s new medals. Starting his career at ABC and later becoming the CEO of Disney, Iger has received numerous accolades throughout his career, including honorary awards from the Directors Guild of America and Producers Guild. Stay up-to-date on the latest news by signing up for our newsletter.
Disney CEO Bob Iger Knighted by Prince William in Windsor Ceremony