In a dramatic turn of events, the Daytime Emmys almost faced cancellation due to an IATSE strike over the use of a non-union crew. However, just two hours before showtime, a deal was struck between IATSE and NATAS, allowing the awards show to proceed as planned. The agreement ensures that workers receive the benefits of a union contract, including health and pension benefits. This crisis came about after the WGA West urged its members not to participate in the event if a picket occurred. While the Daytime Emmys are typically non-union, this year NATAS decided to hire a company to produce the show on a tight budget. The IATSE’s presence at the event served as a show of strength amid ongoing negotiations with major studios. Despite failing to reach a deal with the AMPTP, the union’s successful negotiation with NATAS saved the Daytime Emmys from potential disaster.