In a shocking development, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has initiated an investigation into the producers of the massive hit Malayalam movie, Manjummel Boys, for suspected money laundering. The production company, Parava Films, founded by Soubin Shahir, Babu Shahir, and Shawn Antony, is at the center of the probe. The investigation was triggered by allegations from an investor in the film, Siraj Valiyathara Hameed, who claims he was deceived by the producers. Despite the film’s significant success at the box office, with reported earnings of Rs 220 crores, the accusations of fraud have cast a shadow over the film’s achievements. ED is set to question Soubin Shahir and the other producers involved in the making of Manjummel Boys, raising anticipation and speculation about the investigation’s outcome.
Investigation By Enforcement Directorate Against Blockbuster Film Manjummel Boys Makers